Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's Getting Mild in Here.......UPDATED!!!!

So there is no denying that Begina and I have a mutual respect for Taco Bell. It's moderately priced, and pretty pleasant most of the time to the palette.

One of the best parts of Taco Bell is the mild sauce. On a side note, if you are interested in cleaning pennies with Taco Bell Hot Sauce, please go here.

In order to not get skimped on the liquid gold, we usually are pretty adamant about requesting "lots" of mild sauce. There have been a few times lately that either out of sarcasm or generosity the worker will supply an orangish bounty. Tonight was that night. Below is the incredible free booty we accumulated tonight. I have used a spork and my hand for siz e reference to show the incredible magnanimity of Taco Bell.

Also below lies the smörgåsbord we have collected in the last few months simply by asking. Begina and I have a personal goal of filling a 55 gallon drum by the end of 2010. We are well on our way.

A few weeks ago, Begina and I went to go see "Made of Honor" with Patrick Dempsey. In the movie, Patrick's character supposedly invents the coffee sleeve. In the spirit of invention, I believe I am on to the next big thing. ICED TEA ON A STICK. Please don't start asking for money yet, but with the iced coffee craze, someone seemed to have missed the boat on a sweet, yet balanced summer-time treat. I used a Taco Bell spork for the stick part. Updates on this as it develops....

UPDATE: After re-positioning the spork during mid freeze, I broke out the sweet confection (it's sweet tea). I will most likely use two 8 oz glasses for molds, but it turned out OK. Patent office here I come.


eric said...

Why the need for so much hot sauce? Do you use one pack on each bite?

I'm a big fan of the grilled stuffed burritos. (steak)

The Proctors said...

I can't believe you put pictures of our Taco Bell mild sauce on here. How embarrassing! :) Let me clarify by saying that Kyle is normally the one who asks or makes me ask for a lot of mild sauce. I'm not sure why because I always tell him that we have plenty at home. Anyways, he doesn't even do well with spicy things and probably uses 2 in all! :)

CP said...

That's quite a haul you've come away with there. Kudos. I'm with you though. It's like ketchup at McDonald's. When I say "lots", they give me like 2 packets. Sometimes I mutter under my breath and drive off and sometimes I have to ask them again rather deliberately before they end up granting me a whole 2 packets more. When did they become so cheap? Anyway, keep me updated on the progress of the sauce drum.

As for the sweet tea on a stick, I stand in awe of the pure genius of this idea.

CP said...

I just had a funny flashback from OBU - remember the lady in Chick-Fil-A that used to ask at the checkout in a harshly smoke-ridden voice, "You want (pronounced won't) sauce?"