Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Levitating Continues/More Santa Rosa Pics

Landon continues to show off his levitating skills. Below are recent photos captured while at the beach. In the third picture, you can see Begina trying to race over and put an end to the show.

I have also attached a few more pictures from Santa Rosa last week. Make sure and SCROLL DOWN to see Landon's new video that just dropped yesterday too!

Showing off at the Pool:

Taking on the Waves:

Landon's Trackball Skills are vastly improving. It's good that his grandfather (The Yoda of Trackball) was close by lending his wisdom.

This is not Photo shopped at all. I just happed to look down the beach and catch this. It's always cool to be reminded why we are truly here.

Yes, Jesus Saves. I had just never seen it presented in a true-to-life sized bull close to Jackson, MS.

Flat Tire on the Way Back Home

Pictures at Kelly and Brian's Wedding

1 comment:

CP said...

Ok, the new levitation pics are great! His Jedi skills are really coming along.

And, that yellow bull with "Jesus Saves" on it is one of those classic pieces of peculiar Americana that just exists uneplained but you have to take a picture of for it to be believed. I think the owners of this might want to re-read the passage in Exodus about the golden calf, however.