Monday, April 27, 2009

A Rock Wall, Machine Guns and a Blackhawk

I have been really fortunate that my work allows me to do some really cool things. One of those things has been Leadership Greater Little Rock .

This has been an amazing program that covers a variety of topics and allows you to discover some of the tough issues facing our area. We also have done a ton of cool things and a few weeks ago was no exception.

Our class visited Camp Robinson, the home or the Arkansas National Guard. The number of projects our men and women of the National Guard handle is staggering. The scope of their mission will blow your mind. Tornado relief, hunger missions, programs to help youth learn structure, etc. Much more than I could have ever conceived.

While learning about the many important programs we were able to do some unique stuff. The morning started off with a blackhawk helicopter ride. We were able to fly through downtown Little Rock and out to Pinnacle Mountain before returning. though I did take video, and it was approved for use by the Guard, I am waiting for approval from the chamber before I post it. Check back soon to see if it made it.

Next, it was off the the rock climbing wall.

Then, it was off to the shooting range. OK, even after persistent badgering I couldn't get them to let me fire a live weapon, but they did have a state of the art indoor electronic run range.

Then, an off road convoy in hummers (the real ones) with simulated gunfire. I ended up with some pictures.

Special thanks to our hosts at Camp Robinson. They made it a fun day and helped me understand all the many positive things they do around the state and the nation.


eric said...
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eric said...

Wow...chopper ride! Guns! Hum-V's! Sounds like a fun day.

Billie said...

That last words...

Jill said...

Wow, you get paid for this stuff??? That sounds like fun, pictures cracked me up!!!!