Friday, June 6, 2008

Rockin Snoopy All Year Long

So it's Tuesday night, about 8:30pm. Begina had taken Taylor to the doctor earlier that day and had dropped off a prescription to be filled. I was in my grubbies (code name for summer clothes worn when extra perspiration is expected) and needed to change to run to Wal-Mart's outdoor pickup. In my haste to get to the drop off point before 9:00pm, I just threw on a fresh t-shirt.

I knew I would just be sitting in the car, so I quickly grabbed one and headed out the door. Begina likes to leave BIG RED empty, so I had to quickly get gas and make it to Wal-mart ASAP. As I am getting gas, an older man looks at me and smiles and says hi. I think nothing of it, as I tend to blend well with the local folk.

Gas in, Kyle in, off to Wal-mart. As I have stated time and time again, I believe in Murphy's Law. Well, his law was in effect that night because the two outdoor lines were CLOSED. I come to the realization that I am actually going to have to go into Wal-Mart in gym shorts and a t-shirt. Not a big deal in a larger city, but I am finally getting to the point where I see several people I know every time I go.

Of course there is a line about two people deep. Those two people are women who appear to be close in age to me and what I would deem to be regularly cool people. As we are waiting, one turns around to me and smiles. I look up to make brief eye contact and say hello, as any good Cabotian would.

I notice she is not looking at my face, but rather my shirt. To avoid any conversation, I look over to the corn removers and gel inserts. In continuing my non-contact mode, I look down at my shirt and it hits me.

I was literally "rockin' the shirt my mom gave me for Christmas. I don't really get embarrassed at much, but this got me. The guy at the gas station, the girls in front of me.....I hope some holiday cheer was spread this June.


CP said...

That is really funny! I laughed out loud for a couple minutes at that picture.

Billie said...

Look next time, Kyle!

The Nelson Family said...

Sweet rags, man.

Guy and Julie said...

You sre still in style more than most Wal-Marteers I have seen, Cabotian or otherwise.
